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How to change menu items and content?

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I found where my about us page is located on the admin section and changed everything. But now i cannot seem to locate where i can change the menu items? 


currently my main menu reads, Home, Sitemap, Contact


i went to Modules > Front Office Features > Top horizontal menu


i changed my menu items (which didn't match what i see on the front end) and saved my changes. I did not see anything different. So i'm guessing i'm looking in the wrong place...


so where do i go? 







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this theme was purchased on template monster, right? That's why I'm starting to hate their themes. For a normal user they are ineditable. You need to go right to the source code. And this seems to be the code from the Header LInks module. Therefore, you'll need to open your FTp and go to /modules/headerlinks/headerlinks.tpl (This might not be the exact name, it should be something similar though). There you can edit it as you will, but you need some basic understanding of .Tpl files/ of PHP and html as well.


Hope this helps.


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this theme was purchased on template monster, right? That's why I'm starting to hate their themes. For a normal user they are ineditable. You need to go right to the source code. And this seems to be the code from the Header LInks module. Therefore, you'll need to open your FTp and go to /modules/headerlinks/headerlinks.tpl (This might not be the exact name, it should be something similar though). There you can edit it as you will, but you need some basic understanding of .Tpl files/ of PHP and html as well.


Hope this helps.




wow - thats great news to hear....  <_<


i can guess my way through html but i'm not great with php and I've never used .tpl files

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this theme was purchased on template monster, right? That's why I'm starting to hate their themes. For a normal user they are ineditable. You need to go right to the source code. And this seems to be the code from the Header LInks module. Therefore, you'll need to open your FTp and go to /modules/headerlinks/headerlinks.tpl (This might not be the exact name, it should be something similar though). There you can edit it as you will, but you need some basic understanding of .Tpl files/ of PHP and html as well.


Hope this helps.


any chance you could help me with this coding issue? i've found the file that i think i need to change but i'm not sure what to exactly type or change in the admin section to make this work. 


I want to change the site map link to go to the about page (which is found at "URL/content/4-about-us"


here's the code i need to change: 

<!-- Block permanent links module HEADER -->
<ul id="header_links">
	<li id="header_link_contact"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='contact' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='contact' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>
	<li id="header_link_sitemap"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('sitemap')|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>
	<li id="header_link_bookmark">
		<script type="text/javascript">writeBookmarkLink('{$come_from}', '{$meta_title|addslashes|addslashes}', '{l s='bookmark' mod='blockpermanentlinks' js=1}');</script>
<!-- /Block permanent links module HEADER -->

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