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Price/pack price/reduction display fix suggestion

Informatik MP

Price/pack price/reduction display fix suggestion   

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Does my Price/pack price/reduction display fix suggestion work?

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I had issues seeing the pack prices showing along the manual price and the "fixed" price, so I put all my PHP/C++ knowledge and tried to get this display correctly.


After many hours of research and much tries, I finally found a fix for a lack in the product pricing display.


In the themes folder edit product.tpl as following:


themes/default/prorduct.tpl, line 424 should read like this:

{if $packItems|@count && $productPrice < $product->getNoPackPrice()}


themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl line 296 should read like this:

{if $packItems|@count && $productPrice < $product->getNoPackPrice()}


change both for:

{if !isset ($product->specificPrice.reduction_type) && $productPrice < $product->getNoPackPrice() }


This will do so that in a pack product, the pack price calculated by PS will show only if there is no reduction and the fixed price is below the pack price.


I tested this fix on my own shop and it seems to work perfectly.


If anyone agrees on the workability of my fix, please vote "yes"


There is one lack I can't fix, and which would be very much appreciated:


Fixed amount reduction, changing it from "tax included" to "before tax"...


I'm in canada, and this lack is giving me troubles, caus' every provinces has their own tax %...


It forces me to set my reductions in % and many times to have an exact red. amount I have to set the % at the 4th decimal, as sample I had to set one to 6.5455%... kinda painful to calculate on an item that worth 1500$CAD...


If someone could suggest a fix I'd appreciate very much.

Edited by InformatikMP (see edit history)
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