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Listing sub-categories instead of products

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I can't seem to find an answer (so feel to redirect me if need be), anyways I'm trying to find out how to list subcategories (if there are any) instead of products (if there are products, then they would show up instead) when you go to a category page.

Can anyone help me with this?



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Hi milkman and welcome to the forums. I've re-read your post a number of times and keep coming to the same conclusion - the logic doesn't work.

Unless I'm mistaken, you're trying to address the situation where a category contains both subcategories and products. However, on the one hand you're saying:

If there are subcategories (which there would be), list these instead of products; and on the other hand:

If there are products (there would be), list these instead of subcategories.

As the saying goes, you can't have it both ways!

Cheers, Dave

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