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Hi there,


i'm facing a issue that in paypal summary shows carrier line (shipping cost) as product. see screen shot attached. its really strange. i'm searching reason badly still have not find it. it makes me tired with this bug.



help or suggestion would be appreciated. thanks in advance.


Edited by mani313 (see edit history)
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This is the normal behaviour for the Paypal Europe module.


Actually, it only appends when the total products amount is lower than 1, as we can read in the source code :

		 * If the total amount is lower than 1 we put the shipping cost as an item
		 * so the payment could be valid.

I don't know if it is really mandatory but I guess it is.


However, if you want to change this behaviour, you can modify the file paypal/express_checkout/process.php (around line 350 for paypal 3.6.8).




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