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'send to friend' module not working

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I've spent the last hours searching through solutions for my problem, but I don't seem to be able to find the correct fix for this.


Site is: philippejse(.)dk


When you fill in the information to send to a friend on the site, the following error generates: "Your e-mail could not be sent. Please check the e-mail address and try again"


I have updated the module to 1.4 and tried all sorts of solutions with sendtofriendextra.tlp etc.


Does anyone know of a solution for this issue?



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I don't know, but I haven't changed anything in the module before, so why would it? It is the modified default theme that you see as is :) I can't activate default theme on this site - it has more than 1000 visitors a day and needs to work 24/7 in best shape. I'm trying to solve this silently :)


Mail is set to PHP in backoffice, could that be the issue? I tried activating SMTP but couldn't get it to work.

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Does anybody have a solution to this issue? It's still the same. Tried all sorts of solutions, but I haven't been able to find one that works :( Next step, I will have to deactivate the module.



Sorry i don't know how to fix this because first error is related to sendtoafriend.js which is empty anyway but other error is related to product.js line 574 col 22


That's ok. Thanks for trying anyway :)

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Can you try something.

In file themes/yourtheme/js/product.js on line around 574 you have this code:

	'hideOnContentClick': true,
	'transitionIn'	: 'elastic',
	'transitionOut'	: 'elastic'

Can you remove //


I dont know if this will help but site is throwing error cause of this. There's lot of tweaking in this file

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