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Italy - Taxes & Laws


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1) VAT: code is the same for the CEE, same as France ;-)
a) vat can be different percent for products (food, beverage) or for Customers (but it's easy to have double products)! (same in france if I sell food for rabbits it can be for elevage or home with different TVA).
B) italians pay TVA
c) CEE personal (no CEE TVA Number) will pay TVA
d) CEE company (with verified TVA number 7-15 digits) don't pay TVA
e) extra CEE personal or company don't pay TVA

2) LAWS:
a) privacy double opt-in for customer registration (as in Germany I think)
B) we need to have the "codice fiscale" it's a number everyone has in italy eq to: "taxpayer's code" or " Social Security Number" that must be write on the invoice! - 13 alfa digits
c) we need to have the TVA number of the company if it is a italian company or a CEE company (to remove TVA) italians TVA number (like siren/siret) is 11 digits (plus IT for international but usually italians company don't use)
d) newsletter block must have double opt in also

We already have an 1.2.4 installer with the double opt in privacy in registration, fields with "tva" and "codice fiscale" and many other little correction for this in BO.
I made modify for company/personal CEE tva in Tax::getApplicableTax for italians shop that sell worldwide

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Last update to the law num. 2250 & 2630 - art.42 (for no individual companies - limited and unlimited companies - in Italy are SRL and SPA-:
they say the website are like advertising, so they have to submit to the same law.
So, if the website belonging to an unlimited or limited comany (NOT INDIVIDUAL), into the website you have to indicate the PIVA as said AND:
REA (code assigned by Chambre of Commerce) AND RESERVE (in italian: CAPITALE SOCIALE).
Same infos should be reported into all the documents used vs customers and providers.

Hope to be useful. Bye. Vale

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sales to countries with privileged tax systems (so-called “black list")

New Italian provisions on VAT reporting requirements, notification procedure to non-Italian resident taxpayers and tax proceedings
On 26 May 2010, Law No. 73 of 22 May 2010, converting Law Decree No. 40 of 25 March 2010 entered into force. The Law concerns, inter alia, anti-avoidance VAT reporting requirements, amendments of notification procedures and definition of certain pending tax litigations.


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