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Separate customers multi-store system


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Prestashop standard 

1 multi store system

1 employee for each store




Due to privacy concerns, customer information is only available (customer is created under the store) when adding a product to cart in that store.

Visualize all carts/orders from all stores.


My proposed approach:


A system wise table with a master-customer information and the id_customer for each store.


A single entry point to the system, where I ensure master-customer is created and logged in.


When customer clicks on add-to-cart button, check on master-customer table if customer exists on that store, if yes- automatic login to the store, if not- create a customer in that store, add 

reference to the master-customer table and automatically login customer.


Now that the customer is logged in, the cart can be created (or retrieved) for that customer specifically.


My progress so far:


Master-customer table is created and user logs in fine.

Product page is displayed (store-wise customer is not logged in yet)

When customer clicks on add-to-cart I need to check and create customer in that store.

Under function assignContentVars($params) of blockcart.php

 Check from master-customer, assuming the customer exists in that store already (returns id_customer for that shop)


$customer = new Customer((int)$result[0]['id_cust_shop']);

Context::getContext()->customer =  $customer;

Context::getContext()->customer->logged = true;

Rest of the function...


The cart is being created, but the customer information is not being inserted (as if the customer is not logged in).


if I insert the code below just before the end of the function:

$this->context->cart->id_customer = (int)$customer->id;

$this->context->cart->secure_key = $customer->secure_key;



The cart is created with the correct customer information, but somehow 3 carts are created...



Any better approach to achieve this?

Is the code I produced in the right place (function assignContentVars($params))?

Am I doing the right automatic login (apparently not, even though when I check $customer->isLogged() returns true)

Why is the cart not initially created with the id_customer, and with the 2nd session of the code I get multiple creations?


Thanks for the help!


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