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[SOLVED]Layered Navigation Block in more category pages

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I am trying to setup my wine seller website (winenavigator <DOT> eu)


On the default Presta theme there is a Category menu, but I would like to make 3 or more category menu (Red wines, White wines, Rosé, etc). 


In the default category menu the layered navi block appears, but it is not working in my red wines, white wines, rosé menus. 


So the default main menu is (when Layered Navi block is working):


Home, Categories, Shop, Blah Blah


My Menu:


Home, Red Wines(it is a category), White wines(it is a category), Rosé(it is a category)


How can I make Layered Navi block appear in these menus? (Red wine related layered navi block, White wine related navi block, rosé related navi block)


On the live edit there is an empty Layered navi block on the right place, but it wont show up in the front office...


Can you lease help me to solve this? 




Edited by fobiss (see edit history)
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It's a bit difficult to work out what you mean. What is a category menu? Do you mean the category page or the top horizontal menu or something else?

Maybe you could provide a mock-up of what you want the relevant page or pages to look like?

Also you talk about the default theme but you are using a purchased theme. This may provide different ways to configure what you need.

What is your PS version?

Thanks, Dave

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The easiest way: 


-Go to winenavigator dot eu

-Switch to Hungarian language (even if you don't know the language)

Now you will see (the horizontal menu):


Főoldal, Kategóriák, Vörösbor, Fehérbor, Rosé


Kategóriák - Contains all categories and items. If you click on it, on the left widget are the layered navi block appears.

Vörösbor - Contains ONLY the red wines. On the left widget area the layered navi block EXSISTS(on the live edit page) but it wont show up on the front office.

Fehérbor - Contains ONLY the white wines. Same problem as with the red wines.

Rosé - Contains ONLY the Rose wines. Same problem as the red and white wines. 


Kategóriák (Categories) came with the pure presta install. The other ones was made by me. 



Latest Presta was installed (1.5.6) with a LeoTheme (LeoWines)

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Screen shot 2014-01-16 at 5.58.16 PM.png

- The Layered Navi Module on Vörösbor, Fehérbor,Rosé


Screen shot 2014-01-16 at 5.57.56 PM.png

-The WORKING Layered Module on Kategóriák (on the Presta Made Categories Menu)




FYI: Rétegezett Navigációs Blokk=Layered Navigation Module



Edited by fobiss (see edit history)
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OK that's clearer now.

Can you go into back office and select Modules->Modules and find Layered navigation block and click Configure.

Then under 'Existing filter templates', click the edit icon for the template you are using.

Then take screenshots of all the information under 'Build your own filter template' and 'Configuration' sections and post them here.

Thanks, Dave

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Btw the filtering is working fine but I don't wanna place all the wines under one menu point. 


Now it works like this(here goes the example):


'Vörösbor' (Redwine) -It is clickable, if you click on it, all of the redwines will appear in the list.

Layered Navi bar should appear and should only show the red wines


If you dont click on the 'Vörösbor' a little submenu appears with the subcategories (dry, semidry, sweet, semisweet).

If you click on the 'száraz' what means dry, then it will guide you to the list of the dry red wines.

Here the layered navi bar should use appear and show only the dry red wines


And so on with the rest.


I hope it is clear. 


I would like to have a layered navi bar specialized for all of my categories and all of my subcategories, thats all... "-.-

Edited by fobiss (see edit history)
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I think the problem is that you've just got one specific category selected (probably the Home category - click on the word Specific to check). Any category or subcategory page you want the layered navi block to appear on needs to be selected too.

As a first step, click on the edit icon for the filter template, change step 1 to 'All categories', then save it.

If that doesn't meet your requirements, we may need to be a bit more specific with the way the filter template is set up.

Cheers, Dave

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Rob, a potato is both nutritious and versatile!

Budapest is on my list of places to visit, so you never know ....  :)

Anyway, glad it's sorted.

Cheers, Dave


By the way, the Mark solved button doesn't do what it says. You have to go to the first post, click Edit, then click Use full editor. Now you can add [sOLVED] to the start of the topic title.

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