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Shop 1: Prestashop URL looks like: www.shop.com/category/id-product.html

-> I can also use link like www.shop.com/id-product.html to get to the product

-> Route to products: {id}-{rewrite}.html



Shop 2: Prestashop URL looks like: www.shop.com/id-product.html

-> I can't use link like www.shop.com/category/id-product.html to get to the product

-> Route to products: {id}-{rewrite}.html


All id's of products or categories are same. If I change the route to products in shop 2 to: {category}/{id}-{rewrite}.html it shows the link with category but can't use this link anymore: www.shop.com/id-product.html


Whats wrong? Any ideas?




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I've checked htaccess file, there's no difference and I even tried to copy some code snippets which I couldn't find in htaccess file from my new store.


I added a redirect:

redirectMatch 301 ^/category/id-product.html$ http://www.shop.com/id-product.html

and sure it works with a 301 redirect but is it necessary to do that for all product urls?


I've checked link.php and there are some differents but I'm not a expert....

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