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I cant get the price right for my cakes in the combinations

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Dear users and admin,

Im a bakery owner and im working on Alysum theme. I have updated 70% of it.

I just couldnt get the price right for my cakes. for eg.

I have set the tax rule to 16%


Now in the price section I set the starting price for 2.5 lbs (Pounds) $23 excluding tax

Now in the combinations when I set the cost for 4.5 lbs it is not changing in the front end.


2.5 lbs is for $23 (excl. Tax) it show the same amount but doesnot calculate tax.

4.5 lbs is for $37 (excl. Tax) instead it shows $23.15 and doesnot calculate tax


I thought may be it was taking the price difference in decimals but PS says $.

Im doing exactly in the tutorials but not working, I dont know what is going wrong.

Can anyone help I have to launch it asap.


Here is the link


Edited by theridinghood (see edit history)
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