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Image Uploading - "undefined" error - 402 Payment Required

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I'm bringing online a fresh install of, getting it all set up.  I have my categories, and starting adding my first product.  I get the description and price, but get an error when I try to upload an image.  As soon as the image upload completes I get the word "undefined" in a red box at the bottom.  Obviously an error of some type.  I searched around an saw lots of instances of this error, but none like mine.


I opened the JavaScript console in Chrome, and it reported the following:

POST http://pennystreetstitches.com/admin/ajax-tab.php?id_product=8&id_ca…ge&ajax=1&legend%5B1%5D=Custom+Embroidered+Pet+Blanket&qqfile=IMG_0809.JPG 402 (Payment Required) fileuploader.js:1078
qq.extend._upload fileuploader.js:1078
qq.UploadHandlerAbstract.upload fileuploader.js:767
qq.FileUploaderBasic._uploadFile fileuploader.js:401
qq.FileUploaderBasic._uploadFileList fileuploader.js:392
qq.FileUploaderBasic._onInputChange fileuploader.js:375
qq.UploadButton.onChange fileuploader.js:312
(anonymous function)

An HTTP 402 error?  That's a new one.  Any idea what the problem could be?

Edited by Gizmotoy (see edit history)
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across a fresh I test first article and wanting to download the product image

I have a return indefined


watching the return code with Firebug I read http error 402 payment required


comparing with a version of a fileuploader.js

I see a line reversal is second XMLHttpRequest


1075.1077 C1075, 1077

<Xhr.setRequestHeader ("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
<Xhr.setRequestHeader ("X-File-Name", encodeURIComponent (name));
<Xhr.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type", "application / octet-stream");
> Xhr.setRequestHeader ("Content-type", "application / x-www-form-urlencoded");
> Xhr.setRequestHeader ("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
> Xhr.setRequestHeader ("X-File-Name", encodeURIComponent (name));

once restored everything works

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