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ps navigation menu with link to www.superfish.com?

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I think to know that the Prestashop menu makes use of javascript and a js extension called superfish.js and that when we want to edit the menu's appearance we can directly edit the superfish.css.


However, since I struggle a bit with our SSL certificate I looked up in Chrome the security information and use of cookies.


Well, when being on  our site there are set cookies from www.superfish.com!


I looked up the net since first I did not think about Prestashop being here the culprit and found information that in Firefox some extensions are responsible for connections/scripts of www.superfish.com.


Can some one be so kind to explain me what is behind all this?

thank you




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Hmmm, that's strange. In my shop, the superfish CSS and JS assets are loaded from my domain (/modules/blocktopmenu/css and /modules/blocktopmenu/js respectively). So, no cookies generated from external domains.


I'm running PS What's your version? Maybe in later versions they changed something in the source code of the blocktopmenu module...?

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