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Ajouter un produit via un script PHP


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J'essaye de mettre en place une création de produit dans un de mes scripts mais je suis bloqué concernant deux points : 


L'ajout de catégories multiple et l'ajout de caractéristiques (Clé, valeur).

Voilà, ce que j'ai :

foreach ($products->prod as $product)
		echo $product->const_ref . '<br>';

		$prod = new Product();
		$prod->reference = (string)$product->const_ref;
		$prod->weight = (float)$product->poids;
		$prod->name = array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => (string)$product->lib);
		$prod->link_rewrite = array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => Tools::link_rewrite((string)$product->lib));
		$prod->description = (string)$product->descr_l;
		$prod->description_short = (string)$product->descr_c;
		$prod->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
		$prod->quantity = 5000;
		$prod->redirect_type = '404';
		$prod->indexed = 1;
		$quantity = 1000;

		$fb = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('SELECT fb FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'frais_bancaire` WHERE ' . $product->prx_ht . ' BETWEEN min AND max');

		$price = ($product->prx_ht * 1.196 + $product->prx_taxe + $fb) + ($product->prx_public - ($product->prx_ht * 1.196 + $product->prx_taxe + $fb)) * 20 / 100;
		if($price >= $product->prx_public)
			$prod->price = $product->prx_public;
			$prod->price = $price;	

		$cat = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('SELECT id_category AS id, link_rewrite FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` WHERE meta_title = "' . $product->category . '"');
		$prod->id_category_default = $cat['id'];
		$prod->category = $cat['link_rewrite'];

		StockAvailable::setQuantity ($prod->id, false, $quantity);
		foreach ($product->caracts->caract as $feat)
			$id_feature = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('SELECT id_feature FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_lang` WHERE name = "' . (string)$feat->lib . '"');
			if(!isset($id_feature) || empty($id_feature))
				$feature = new Feature();
				$feature->name = array((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => (string)$feat->lib);

				$id_feature = $feature->id;

			$id_value = $prod->addFeaturesToDB($id_feature, 0, 1);
			$prod->addFeaturesCustomToDB($id_value, 1, (string)$feat->val);

EDIT : J'ai réussi pour les caractéristiques (features), je l'ai ajouté au code.

Edited by plune (see edit history)
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