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Help with Atos and Societe generale Bank

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Hi there.

Please if someone can help me as I am stuck and I don't want to mess everything up as I don't know what I am doing.

I have just paid for a banking system (Societe generale ((as I am in france)), as I wish to use something else than Paypal.

I have to do this :

Pouvez-vous changer les autorisations sur le dossier modules/atos/bin à 755
et les droits d'accès de l'ensemble de son contenu.


I have to change/accept the file module/atos/bin to 755. I have been to the file module, then atos then bin. Now I don't know what to change. And when I go into modife the file, it tells me 'Ce fichier est probablement un fichier binaire' and the file has a lot of ��


How do I change the access rights on all of the contents?


I am really stuck!

Please someone hellllpppp!!! :D


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