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Calculate Service cost by javascript

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I need to make a function, or adapt the cart module to behave like this one in this website:




I really don't know if this is a free or paid module, or if it's just a javacript code 'attached' to the cart module, but if you make a calculation, then click on 'reservar ahora', it goes directly to the cart of the website.


This is the code i retrieved by looking at website source:

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
var currencySign='€';var currencyRate='1';
var currencyFormat='2';
var currencyBlank='1';
var taxRate=0;
var jqZoomEnabled=false;
var oosHookJsCodeFunctions=new Array();
var id_product='10';
var productHasAttributes=false;
var quantitiesDisplayAllowed=false;
var quantityAvailable=0;
var allowBuyWhenOutOfStock=true;
var availableNowValue='Introduce en la casilla de arriba los kilómetros que desea reservar. Pinche en reservar ahora. y sus Km iran directamente al carrito abajo a la izquierda, luego pulse Confirmar.';
var availableLaterValue='';
var productPriceTaxExcluded=0.855932-0.000000;
var reduction_percent=0;
var reduction_price=0;
var specific_price=0;
var specific_currency=false;
var group_reduction='1';
var default_eco_tax=0.000000;
var ecotaxTax_rate=0;
var currentDate='2013-11-05 16:10:06';
var maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage=3;
var noTaxForThisProduct=true;var displayPrice=0;
var productReference='Km';
var productAvailableForOrder='1';
var productShowPrice='1';
var productUnitPriceRatio='0.000000';
var idDefaultImage=52;var img_ps_dir='http://www.taxisvalenciaonline.com/img/';
var customizationFields=new Array();customizationFields[0]=new Array();customizationFields[0][0]='img0';customizationFields[0][1]=0;
var img_prod_dir='http://www.taxisvalenciaonline.com/img/p/';
var combinationImages=new Array();combinationImages[0]=new Array();combinationImages[0][0]=52;combinationImages[0][1]=53;combinationImages[0][2]=55;combinationImages[0][3]=61;combinationImages[0][4]=62;
var doesntExist='El producto no existe en este modelo. Por favor, elija otro.';
var doesntExistNoMore='Si desea contratar el servicio, llame a los teléfonos arriba indicados.';
var doesntExistNoMoreBut='con esas opciones , pero está disponible con otras';var uploading_in_progress='En curso, por favor, espere ...';
var fieldRequired='Rellene todos los campos y guarda la personalización';/* ]]> */</script>

I really need to have something quite similar to this in my website-theme, and i really appreciate if you can give me some direction on it.


Could it be a module-block? Just a javascript code attached to cart?


Anyone can shed some light on this?


Thanks in advance!

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