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Paypal Gateway Timeout Error

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We're now getting a gateway timeout error when the customer is redirected from Paypal back to our website. I asked the host and they've increased it to the maximum allowed on the shared server. They suggest we optimize payment.php file.


Any ideas on what the solution is?

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It works now after I uninstalled and reinstalled. Can anyone in this whole wide world of Prestashop explain why does this happen automatically without me making any change to the script or code in Paypal payment module?

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I'm getting this error again? The host says you have lots of slow queries. I've optimized all tables from PHPmyadmin but still this issue remains. I even face this when I simply manually try to save a new product or add an image slider.


The website is iiph.com and I'm using 1.5.4. Urgent help please!

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