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Special Tax Rules

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Hi Guys,

So Im setting up a shop that needs some special tax rules that I dont think Prestashop can handle.

The shop has suppliers who all sell products to the shop, for example 'dog food' for '100.00' excluding VAT.

The shop has to pay the VAT of course, so the end price is R 100.00 * 1.14 = R 114.00

However, the shop itself isnt VAT registered, so when he sells this to their customers - no VAT must be applied. So for a 20%, markup, the retail price would be R 114.00 * 1.2 = R 136.80


From my understanding, you cant control taxes like this in Prestashop because if its enabled, its enabled for both suppliers and customers, not just one or the other?


If I'm right, then whats the best way forward? My guess would be to disable taxes in Prestashop and then just enter the inclusive rate (R114) in the "Pre-tax wholesale price" field and the sell price (R136.80) in the "Pre-tax retail price" field?


(One day, if the shop ever gets VAT registered, they will have to subtract 14% from the "Pre-tax wholesale price" field)

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