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Selling "Kits" On PrestaShop

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I am using PrestaShop to set up an auto parts store.  A hot item for us is our trailer hitch & wiring kits.  These kits consist of a hitch (example part number #13011) and the wiring that is compatible with that hitch (example part number #56190).  We are selling both the hitch & wiring individually but we would like to sell it as a kit with the SKU 13011-56190.  Both items also have different specific details to go with as well.


Right now, I have the trailer hitches listed & am using the "Features" to create the data table with installation time & such.  For the kits, we would obviously like the wiring information to be separate from the hitch information, if possible.  Would it be easiest to manually create the kits and import them with their own kit based info, or would it be easier to link 2 parts together & sell it that way?  Keep in mind we would like both of their specific information to be displayed on the product view & separated if possible.


Has anyone done anything like this before?  If so, what would be the best way to go about doing it?  If you have any questions or need clarification let me know as I may have not described it to your understanding.


I wasn't exactly sure how or what to search for this, so I figured it was easier if I just posted a new topic.  If you have any suggestions on what to search or know of specific threads covering this please let me know.


Thank you in advance.



EDIT: I just found the "pack" feature and may use this..unless anyone has a better idea?

Edited by AscentMedia (see edit history)
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