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Dropdown Quantity and Combinations

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Hi guys!


I'm able to get a dropdown list for quantity based on how many quantity are available for the product. The code is as follows:

<!-- quantity wanted -->
			<p id="quantity_wanted_p"{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) OR $virtual OR !$product->available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				{if $product->quantity <= 0}
                    <label>{l s='Quantity :'}</label>
                    <select type="text" title="{l s='Quantity'}" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted" class="text" style="width:auto;">
                        {section name=foo loop=99}
                             <option value="{$smarty.section.foo.iteration}">{$smarty.section.foo.iteration}</option>
                             <br />
                    <p> </p>
                    <label>{l s='Quantity :'}</label>
                    <select type="text" title="{l s='Quantity'}" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted" class="text" style="width:auto;">
                        {section name=foo loop=$product->quantity}
                             <option value="{$smarty.section.foo.iteration}">{$smarty.section.foo.iteration}</option>
                             <br />

However I'm experiencing a problem with combinations, as the dropdown list will show the total number of quantity (added from all attributes). I'm using radio buttons for my combination selection if that helps. Is there anything I can do when the user selects the attribute, the particular quantity for that combination gets updated into the dropdown list?


Thanks in advance! :)

Edited by hideaki (see edit history)
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