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Context::getContext() - Multi Store


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There are three types of context in multishop mode: "all", "group", "shop". For each level of shop tree you can use only those context objects which are appropriate for current level of abstraction. There are full list of backend context objects:



  • Language. Set with the customer or employee language.
  • Country. Default country.
  • Currency. Set with the customer currency or the shop's default currency.
  • Shop. Current shop.
  • Cookie. Cookie instance.
  • Link. Link instance.
  • Smarty. Smarty instance.
  • Employee.


In order to define current level of multistore tree programmatically you can use Shop::getContext() which could be compared with Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP, Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP,  Shop::CONTEXT_ALL.


To define current shop id:

$id_shop = (int)$this->context->shop->id;

To define current group:

$id_shop_group = (int)Shop::getContextShopGroupID();

In order to retrieve information about particulat shop not being in its context create shop instance using Shop class and retrieve necessary information.

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Okay, that works if I'm doing it inside Prestashop but what if I want to access it anywhere else.  


I use this to access the logged in customers firstname and surname. But this only works on the default/main shop. How do i change the scope on getContext() externally?



echo ("Welcome ".$firstname." ".$lastname);
I can't use:
$id_shop = (int)$this->context->shop->id;

Or is there a way to load the context controller externally?


Edited by Phillys93 (see edit history)
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Prestashop architecture implies 3 types of entities where business logic could be implemented: modules (via hooks), front office controller, backoffice controller. In order to retrieve information about particular shop or shop group just create their instances in your business logic like new Shop($id_shop) or new ShopGroup($id_group) and use public class methods to retrieve information.

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  • 2 years later...

I am looking for a similar solution, I think....


I have a payment module that goes to a different website for safe payment, than when ir returns it goes back to the main store domain.com/mainstore/

but i want it to redirect to the domain.com/mainstore/store1, for example, because is the store that the customer uses, and I have multiple stores on this situation.


I am trying to find a solution that when the payment page redirects to the module return.php page it redirects to the right store. 


I don't know If I can use cookies, or context to try to make this, or any other solution. 


Any help will be appreciated.

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