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Very Annoying Issue on Product Category List

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Hey all,


I am having some very annoying issue right now, and loosing potential sales :(


I am having promoted a couple of my products in a blog, people is coming to see theme at my store but they are being drawn back because:


. The products displayed in the categories lists are being "disabled" (see attachment) when JUST ONE SIZE / MODEL is out of stock, VISUALLY preventing them to get into the product (where they do see the specific message "this item is out of stock with current selection, please select another size of feature from the dropdown menus"...


But of course, I am completely sure that the simple fact of visually displaying an unavailabel / disabled information in the general product category list is drawing back my customers...


Are you familiar with this? I'm sure some of you are. Please please please, some urgent help needed here!!!


I have thought to be a theme feature, because I hacve a custom theme installed, but switched to the default prestashop theme and have the same issue. I have tried to check on my own, even activating advanced stock management to see if I could correct this, but don't find anythinng.


Thank you a lot!


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