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Sales Tax not calculating/appearing anywhere

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I'm new to PrestaShop, but I've spent the last 2 months or so building my site. Now everything is ready to go, but I just noticed that sales tax is not calculating and appearing in my cart. It isn't being sent to PayPal, so it isn't charging correctly either. There is a spot in the cart for sales tax, and I can see some logic for displaying tax in my template files.


I only want sales tax added for WA state, and I've triple checked my Tax rules. They're enabled and everything looks correct there. I know when I was first starting to set up my site, sales tax appeared in the cart, so I know I have the rules set correctly.


Most of my modifications have been changing template files to customize the look, and I haven't changed any tax stuff that I know of.


Any ideas? What can break the sales tax calculations?


Thanks for any help or guidance!



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Did you made sure that you have chose a delivery address? Sales taxes will only appear if you have setted a delivery address in you order. Which means, it can't appear in th shopping cart UNLESS you have choosen a delivery address (Step 2 in order).



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Yes, I've gone all the way through with a test order, the tax nevers shows up after entering the addresses. Also, it doesn't appear on the first page of the cart where you put in state and ZIP for the shipping/tax estimate. It used to show up at that point after updating the cart.

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