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[solved] [1.5.4] Can't see layered navigation block

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I'd be interested in knowing some specifics of this solution.  I'm having the same problem... the block doesn't show in the front office at all.

Hi. In the end I didn't used that module. Too limited for my needs. I made a couple of modules for myself targeted to my specific needs.


I didn't remember exactly what I did, but every time you can't see some module, it's only a matter of correctly set all the hook things.




1. Be sure you have the hook in the .tpl file


2. If it is a custom hook, be sure you correctly registered it. Check the relevant table in the DB to see if the hook is there. Check the name. Check exact corrispondence in the module code.


3. In the module code, be sure that you have a corrisponding function and that it's correctly named: "hookNameOfTheModule". To transplant the module in the hook position, you don't really need to register the hook in the module's install() function, but you MUST set the "hookNameOfTheModule" method/function.


4. Back office: modules > positions > transplant > choose the hook. Then check in the positions table/list if it's really there. If It's there, then all is fine and you should see it in front office. If you still can't see it, you either didn't do point 1 OR it's something related to the module configuration, so go in the configuration page and see what's to do.


Hope it helps. Regards









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Thanks for the reply!  I haven't fully figured out the "hook" thing yet, but if this block shows up in the "live edit" as an empty titled block, but then doesn't show up in the front office at all, do you think the problem could still be "hook" related?


Also, you mentioned that this module didn't work for you... I'm looking for a way to search automotive parts and accessories which have a somewhat complex need for "make, model, year, engine, 2 door vs 4 door, long or short bed... etc.  which I haven't quite figured out yet, and was hoping that the Layered Navigation block might help with.  If you have any insight into this problem I'm all ears!   Thanks!

Edited by jeepwhisperer (see edit history)
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Thanks for the reply!  I haven't fully figured out the "hook" thing yet, but if this block shows up in the "live edit" as an empty titled block, but then doesn't show up in the front office at all, do you think the problem could still be "hook" related?

> Don't know...

Also, you mentioned that this module didn't work for you... I'm looking for a way to search automotive parts and accessories which have a somewhat complex need for "make, model, year, engine, 2 door vs 4 door, long or short bed... etc.  which I haven't quite figured out yet, and was hoping that the Layered Navigation block might help with.  If you have any insight into this problem I'm all ears!

> Did you loaded some product, created and attributes and values, and configured the module?


Edited by stratboy (see edit history)
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Yes, but I found the problem last night.  I assumed that this block would appear on the home page, just like the "category" block since I had it set to use "all categories", but apparently it doesn't do this.  It only appears when a category that has subcategories is selected... the rest of the time it's invisible.  I just didn't look around for it enough, and the documentation didn't make this behavior clear.  

Thanks for helping!

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