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Two culomn layout and other my questions

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i am pretty new to e-shop systems and PrestaShop. I have exeriences with creating websites and I can do pretty good changes with Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal.


So i would like to learn some e-shop system and Presta looks good.


But I have few question.


The default theme is not bad for learning, but i don't know how to easily do this:

- Change 3 column layour to 2 column or on some pages 1 column (homepage) and then 2 columns...

-> Do i need to do a large change in code or there is some better way?


- How to change easily order of modules in menus or add others...


- What is ".tpl" files? This is first time i see this format of web files. And how to approach them? Like any php with some more data?


Sorry for my english and thank you for your advice :)




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Check tutorials below, i described there step by step how to create layouts like you expect.

  1. one column homepage layout
  2. two columns layout


- How to change easily order of modules in menus or add others...

go to the modules > positions and drag'n'drop module to the new position (or click on the small arrows)


What is ".tpl" files? This is first time i see this format of web files. And how to approach them? Like any php with some more data?


tpl file is a template file for smarty, it's based on smarty "language" and simple html tags

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Check tutorials below, i described there step by step how to create layouts like you expect.
  1. one column homepage layout
  2. two columns layout

go to the modules > positions and drag'n'drop module to the new position (or click on the small arrows) tpl file is a template file for smarty, it's based on smarty "language" and simple html tags


Thank you. I will definitely read more of your blog. But i do the 2 column layout and i have a problem with home page. You can look at my test site. http://eshop.matejskarka.cz/


There is too much space on the righ side of center column and the products in this column are broken.



+ New question:

How can i turn on grid view on category site and not only on home page? (I want to view products in grid.


Thank you very much

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well, everything depends on modules that you use, for example, you've got there (on homepage) homefeatured module.

in the module .tpl file you have to define how many products in row you've got:



{assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4}


change the "value" param, put there number of products in one row

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  • 3 weeks later...

It should be pointed out that I have put it back how it was with 1 column for the index and 3 columns for the rest.


Here is header.tpl



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{/if}<!-- Center -->
<div id="center_column" class="{if $page_name !='index'}grid_5{else}grid_9{/if}">




And here is footer.tpl



* 2007-2012 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
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*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
 {if !$content_only}
   </div><!-- Right -->
{if $page_name !='index'}
   <div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">
{/if}   </div>
<!-- Footer -->
  <div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">
 <p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>

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files looks well, you have now:

1) one wide block on homepage

2) three blocks (left column, center block, right column) on the rest


what you want to achieve? which columns you want to use in the home?

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Thanks for your time by the way, it is much appreciated.


The home page is fine as it is with the one wide column.

For the rest of the site, I would like to remove the right column and widen the centre column, as in your tutorial, but I don't seem to be able to make it work.

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from footer remove or comment this:


{if $page_name !='index'}
   <div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">


then in the header.tpl instead the:

<div id="center_column" class="{if $page_name !='index'}grid_5{else}grid_9{/if}">

use this:

<div id="center_column" class="{if $page_name !='index'}grid_7{else}grid_9{/if}">

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