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Multistore setup problem

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Hi! I'm using Prestashop 1.5.41 to setup multistore with the following steps:


1) Create a new Group "ABC"

2) Create a new Shop "001"

3) No category or data copy from the default group/shop

4) Domain: xxx.domain.com

5) Physical URL: /001/

6) Virtual URL: "blank"

7) final URL created: http://www.domain.com/001/


When the creation is complete, the new shop can't be access with the following errors:

This page is not available


We're sorry, but the Web address you've entered is no longer available.

To find a product, please type its name in the field below.


What would be the possible causes?


After enabled the dev debug option, I got the following error:

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home5/xxxxxxxx/public_html/prestashop/classes/Tools.php on line 433


// get currency from context

$currency = Shop::getEntityIds('currency', Context::getContext()->shop->id);

$cookie->id_currency = $currency[0]['id_currency'];

return Currency::getCurrencyInstance((int)$cookie->id_currency);



Edited by gurunited (see edit history)
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