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Smarty and array_unique

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Hey all,


I am by no means an advanced developer in PrestaShop, I am trying my best to learn but I'm stuck on something I hoped was a simple solution.


I am talking about the stores.tpl page, I'm using the simple mode where it outputs a list of all the store contacts.


I would like to divide these up by country and have the country as the title in <h2> tags and then the list of stores in that country then loop to the next country, I only require to use the $store.country value once. PHP offers a solution array_unique which would work but I'm not sure how to implement this into Smarty, perhaps I need to create a function to resolve this?


This is the current loop;


{foreach $stores as $store}

 <ul class="authorised-dealers">
 <li>{if $store.address2}{$store.address2|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}</li>
 <li>{$store.postcode} {$store.city|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{if $store.state}, {$store.state}{/if}</li>
 <li>{if $store.phone}{l s='Phone:' js=0} {$store.phone}{/if}</li>

 <li>{if isset($store.working_hours)}{$store.working_hours}{/if}</li>


Any help would be awesome.

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