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Multishop URL issues - product on both shops using same subcategory in URL

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Hi there,


I have multishop enabled with two shops. One is a website for musical instruments, the other is just for guitar strings and drum sticks. So we're sharing the same inventory, but different category structures and pricing.


We've uploaded products via CSV, and stated they're to go in various categories across the two sites. So on the one website, the URL should, and does look like this:




But on the other site, it should look like this:



However, it looks like this:



Therefore copying the URL structure and category names from the Strings and Sticks site.


I have noticed that if I edit that product, it will then resort to the correct URL. However I'm sure you can understand that is a pretty ridiculous fix and time consuming.


Does anyone have any ideas?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I did not do it but I guess that maybe the categoriy id's in your product.csv are wrong. As far as I understand you upload the corresponding categories as numeric values eg. (5,12) for category_id 5 and 12 in the csv.

So you have to adjust the ID's to the category ID's of shop 2 or whatever.

So you have to replace the category id in the product.csv to the id of the category called guitar strings. If you already did that I have no other ideas except maybe you have problems with shop_id in your csv file or whatever or last but not least...it is a bug :)

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  • 3 years later...

with multistore, is it possible to have this , if a product , for example on main store is : https://4u.ie/shop/web-design-ireland/35-affordable-irish-web-developers.html and i would like a 2nd mutltstore : http://Shop2.com/01-MyNewProduct.html , is this possible, or does everything on 2nd shop must go through Shop2.com then click into each product?

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