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Help with partly solved "Error 310 (net :: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): Too many redirects"

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I was having the above error and tried many things without change until I tried deleting the .htaccess file as suggested. That got rid of the above but all the images disappeared and I now have


Not Found


The requested URL /jcshop/bags/54-jcc-bags.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.



It looks like it is partly solved, or is it? Any ideas on what might be causing this and what i might try next?

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In the end this was solved with help from Hostgator who directed me to delete the htaccess file then reset the urls in the back end (under Preferences, then URL/SEO). I only had to change one and this generated a new htaccess file. After that everything showed up and all links worked perfectly. Once this was done I simply changed the url back to its original name and saved! Really relieved!

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