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[solved] Help...Upgrade mess up my website.

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Hi, I recently upgrade my store to 1.5.4....and now I have some misplacements in the frontpage.

I will attach a screenshot to better explain the situation. You will see that the search bar is not in the center and also the navigation bar is not in the center...help..what is causing this?


Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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I see you're using the default theme of Prestashop. In that case try to:

- unzip downloaded Prestashop ZIP

- find this directory "prestashop/themes/default"

- copy the "default" folder into "your_eshop/themes/" manually


However for now I have no idea what could cause the problems. Did you try also to clean the cache?

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Dear @chenh

the solution for this issue is here: http://www.prestasho...ght-how-to-fix/


Hi! Thanks alot Vekia! I manage to fix it by using your solution.


I see you're using the default theme of Prestashop. In that case try to:

- unzip downloaded Prestashop ZIP

- find this directory "prestashop/themes/default"

- copy the "default" folder into "your_eshop/themes/" manually


However for now I have no idea what could cause the problems. Did you try also to clean the cache?


Yes, I did clean the cache and nothing. You must use the solution provided by vekia. You have edit the header.tpl.

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so now i can go ahead and mark this thread as solved



Wait, I have found another issue...but with the logo. If you click any product the logo will merge with the navigation menu. Look http://www.tiempoerotico.com/index.php?id_product=109&controller=product


I try to fix it with the nadie solution...but it wont..could you help me one more time with this one?

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#header_logo {
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
z-index: 1;


remove top:30px;


Its not working. Perphaps am editing the wrong file? I´m editing the global.css file. I remove the top:30px and the logo still merges with the nav menu

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hello chenh


i checked your website once again, still the same code appear in the source:




tried to change and then recompile the template?


But I have the force compilation thing on, or that is not how you recompile a template


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