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Australian Currency

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Can someone help me figure out how to add a conversion rate.  I've used the example on the currency page itself, '1.52' 1€ = $1.38 but the input field won't take this many characters.  I've tried this in different browsers and on both Mac & PC.  So I'm not sure what issue is.  Are the input fields limited in size?  Or is there another way of adding a conversion rate to the PrestaShop?  Thank you!

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All you need to type is the conversion rate from the default currency of the shop and the australian dollar.



  • [li]Default currency is euro[/li]

  • [li]Conversion rate = 1 = $1.38 AUD[/li]


All you would type is '1.38' into conversion rate field. You do not need any other characters.


I assume you were trying to type the currency symbols?

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