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How to Translate Apache's "RewriteRule" Into Nginx's "Rewrite

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I am trying out Nginx and having problems with images.


I have found this article:



But whatever I try I cannot get images working.


Is problem maybe that prestahop is in sub directory like /shop?


In apache that would be:

RewriteRule . - [E=REWRITEBASE:/shop/]


If I am right , but what about nginx? How to set up it for sub directories?


Does anyone has complete config that is working?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Same issue here, my full nginx config is:





The images don't appear, I mean, not all of them. See attached screenshot.post-547495-0-52598300-1366792723_thumb.jpg


Edit: Also using cloudflare, but tried this config: http://www.prohost.b...p-nginx-config/ , same issue still.

Edit 2: Tried to set a subdomain without CloudFlare, same issue anyway.

Edited by mrgeneral (see edit history)
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