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SSL problem with prestashop 1.4.9


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I have online a shop version at this address :




Everything was fine until my client asked for a SSL certificate on the whole site. So I bought a SSL certificate from GoDaddy, the site has been validated and then the problems began.


first of all, only the homepage was secured.

Looking at the forums, I found the solution by modifying the .htaccess file with a code which rewrites the urls.

In the Admin Panel I checked under "SEO & URL parameters" that the domains were correctly set up. "Shop domain name" and "shop domain name for SSL" are the same.


All was fine until I found a problem with the login page.

When trying to create an account : clicking on the button "create", the login page is reloaded and nothing happens. So the user is stuck.


Now I have removed the url rewriting and the login is fine but my site is not secured.


Any idea of what I did wrong ?


Second little issue : I bought and installed the Social Connector module, with the classic FB functionalities (like button, profiles with pictures etc)


This module obviously links to some external urls and this prevents the browser to show the expected green lock. Look here :




Any idea how to fix this issue ?


Thanks a lot in advance



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You added https to the secure link within prestashop? With 1.4.9 I had to go in and manually change some paths to the following {$base_dir_ssl} this then told it to load the secure url most modules have that issue...


$base_dir { root folder of your shop }

$base_dir_ssl { root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol }

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Hi cocothecat,


thanks for the fast reply.


yes, regarding the modules I have already fixed the links as you said.

the problem is the call to the FB profiles that are in an external url.


When navigating between the pages of the site. If you start from the homepage here

https://www.aviationgraphic.com and then go in a topic, the address is not https anymore.

I don't know how to manually change these links.

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So its an external call to facebook causing some issues? You could use protocol-relative url (if that is your problem) however its not very IE6 friendly but I don't support that browser anyway...




this sounds very interesting for the FB module. I'll try it asap.



Do you have an idea for my second issue : the navigation between pages on the site


If you start from the secured homepage here

https://www.aviationgraphic.com and then go in a topic (for example topic "aviation art", the address is not https anymore.

I don't know how to manually change these links.

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Ok revert it all back ill take a look at whats breaking the seal :)


After you enable the ssl you regenerate the htaccess yeah?


Try: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-1008


I cant work out if something is breaking the seal to stop https from showing OR if there is an error somplace because if i try to view the category page with https:// the page does not load

Edited by cocothecat (see edit history)
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Hmm.. there are still a few non secure links with in the code however I dont think thats throwing the error up there was something in the FrontController if you do a search for SSL and it has "on" it was a case before if you changed "on" to "1" that used to fix this sort of issue.


However the links 100% point to a www. so its a path issue rather than the security failing. I think you need to edit the blockmenu and place the ssl route in

Edited by cocothecat (see edit history)
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I was looking in my menu when I saw your message.

I am using a jbx_menu, there is a file called menu_tree.tpl and here is the line I have to change :


<a href="{$item.link|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}" title="{$item.title|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}"{if $item.new_window > 0} target="_blank"{/if}>


Do you have an idea where I can find the $item.link configuration ? it's this piece of code that create the link.

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