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Where customer is sent after successful registration

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PS ver 1.5.1

Module used: Customer registration module


Situation encountered: After successful registration, customer is returned to login page.

This is fine if new customers are immediately allowed to buy with no validation from admin.


My case: wholesale store where customers have to validated by admin before they can buy. So I would like to send the customer to a cms page (success) after they've registered. There we can explain more in detail why they can't immediately login but have to wait to be validated before seeing product prices.


What file might I edit to accomplish this?


Steps preferred:

1. Customer fills out registration form and hits submit.

2. If all information has been filled out correctly, customer then sent to cms page. (success_registration)

3. Customer reads about procedure involved and assured that they've been registered but must wait for validation email.


Thanks in advance for any insight or solution.


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Even if you redirect that somehow, It is the case that they are registered, however, so it seems that would mean they could still go shopping and check out. How about creating another customer group that doesn't get to see any products until the admin checks them out and upgrades them to a group that does.


Having said that, you've gotten further than I-- I don't seem to be able to find a customer registration module. Is it installed by default?


I get 404 upon attempting to Log-in as a customer.



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I'm sorry, the customer registration module is an addon, not default. It allows admin to validate new customers manually from back office. Until validated, customer cannot see prices. I needed this for my shop because it's a wholesale business, not retail. Customer must fax application before being validated. I'm trying to make it send newly registered customer to a success page after registering. Now, it just goes to the login page. Sorry for the confusion.



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