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"Advanced Top Menu" module, float searchbox to right?


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Hi there,


The Advanced Top Menu module seems to implement the searchbox as another tab in the menu, causing it to line up with the menu items. However, I'd like to have my menu tabs to float:left, while the searchbox floats right.


I've tried fixing this by looking up the unique class of the li item of the searchbox - "search_query_atm_menu_14" in this case - and applying css styling in the configuration of the module as follows: .li-niveau1 advtm_menu_14 {float:right !important;}


Unfortunately this doesn't yield the desired result. What does seem to work is to apply the style inline as I've done during testing in Firebug but I can't figure out how to apply this in the tpl file of either pm_advancedtopmenu_search.tpl or pm_advancedtopmenu.tpl.


Current situation:



Desired result:



Any bright minds around that can help me out? ;)


Thanks in advance!



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Trial and error brought me to the following solution:


<li class="li-niveau1 advtm_menu_{$menu.id_menu|intval} {if $menuHaveSub} sub{/if}" {if $menu.id_menu|intval == 14} style="float:right" {/if}>{$advtm_obj->getLinkOutputValue($menu,'menu',true,$menuHaveSub,true)}{if $menuHaveSub}


Edited in pm_advancedtopmenu.tpl


It may not be the prettiest solution but it works..

Edited by Max-s (see edit history)
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