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Call controller function through an AJAX call in 1.5 ?


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Hi !

I'm trying to call controller function through an AJAX call in Prestashop 1.5. I don't even know if it's possible. This is what I did : I override product controller (in override/controllers/front/ProductController.php) to load extra medias and to do some actions that the default controller does not do. This is what my controller looks like :


class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore
public function setMedia() {
	// Add extra ressources	
	// CSS & JS
// Extra methods
public function renderCart() {
	echo '<h2>HELLO</h2>';

Here is my question: How can I call my renderCart() function through an AJAX call ? Is that even possible ?

Edited by Aliassse (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

First point - it is possible to invoke a ModuleFrontController (or FrontController) using AJAX and have only your view rendered.


Second point - unless you have a very specific reason to do so, I would recommend you to override the displayAjax() method. This will save you from specifying the controller method in the URI you will invoke.




1) Javascript - invoke the URL of the controller using the syntax you specified in the URLs and SEO section - normally defaults to /module/<modulename>/<controllername> and ensure you include the ajax=true parameter - this will instruct Prestashop to invoke the Ajax rendering and not the full page one.





				url: '{$base_dir}module/quickquote/thickness',
				type: 'get',
				data: 'ajax=true',
				success: function(data) {


Second, implement a controller and render a template using Smarty:

public function displayAjax() {
	$this->smartyOutputContent($this->getTemplatePath() . 'foobar.tpl');


You can also dump custom output and avoid Smarty like:




For what concerns overriding the product controller, I cannot be of much help, never tried...


Hope this helps.

Edited by supervacuum (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

First point - it is possible to invoke a ModuleFrontController (or FrontController) using AJAX and have only your view rendered.


Second point - unless you have a very specific reason to do so, I would recommend you to override the displayAjax() method. This will save you from specifying the controller method in the URI you will invoke.




1) Javascript - invoke the URL of the controller using the syntax you specified in the URLs and SEO section - normally defaults to /module/<modulename>/<controllername> and ensure you include the ajax=true parameter - this will instruct Prestashop to invoke the Ajax rendering and not the full page one.





					url: '{$base_dir}module/quickquote/thickness',
					type: 'get',
					data: 'ajax=true',
					success: function(data) {
Second, implement a controller and render a template using Smarty:

	public function displayAjax() {
		$this->smartyOutputContent($this->getTemplatePath() . 'foobar.tpl');
You can also dump custom output and avoid Smarty like:


For what concerns overriding the product controller, I cannot be of much help, never tried...


Hope this helps.


I´m so sorry for reopening and old topic, but I think I need help with something similiar to this:

How can I return via ajax response the result of $this->display(file, template) or $this->smartyOutputContent($templateStringFile) ?


I mean... is there anyway of compiling/executing a theme file inside an ajax call and then returning the result via ajax response?


Thanks a lot in advance.


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I´m so sorry for reopening and old topic, but I think I need help with something similiar to this:

How can I return via ajax response the result of $this->display(file, template) or $this->smartyOutputContent($templateStringFile) ?


I mean... is there anyway of compiling/executing a theme file inside an ajax call and then returning the result via ajax response?


Thanks a lot in advance.


I´m happy to being able to answer myself and share the solution I found with the comunity.

If you want to print the html code of the compilation of a template to a string, instead of printing to the screen, you can use the global smarty var this way:


$output = $smarty->fetch($templateStringFile);


Then, you can send this code in the ajax response with something like die($output) or echo $output.


Hope I can help somebody with my findings.


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  • 4 months later...

I have a problem I've been wrestling with tirelessly with no solution yet. 

I want to use ajax calls in my code on whether its a cms.tpl or shopping-cart.tpl to go to a seach result page 

and display a product info and its add to cart button. However my ajax calls get No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 

responses. How can I remedy this problem? Can I do something to the controller files so that I can make ajax

calls or is this method the wrong approach and I should just use php code to grab stuff from the database. 


								url: "{$base_dir}search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=1+Year+Extended+Warranty+-+1+Year+Major+Appliance+Under+%24500+-+879520001572",
								type: "get",
								success: function(data){
									$("#Warranty-Section-On-Check-Out-Page").append($(data).find("#center_column #product_list li")); 

but it doesn't work and this is what shows up in the console. 

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://varoujappliances.com/search?controller=search&orderby=position&order…ear+Extended+Warranty+-+1+Year+Major+Appliance+Under+%24500+-+879520001572. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://varoujappliances.com' is therefore not allowed access. 
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