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How To Hide Certain Categories Menus In Blocks

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I use a menucategoriexl that goes on top of the pro shop and menu to the side.

here are the codes of dwt menu. an idea or I can put the following ({if $node.id != 'idcat1' && $node.id != 'idcat2'}

) conditions to exclude categories?


<div id="categoriestopmenuxxl" {if $tabs_display == 1}style="background:none;border-top:none"{/if}>
 <li id="categoriestopmenuxxl_home" {if $page_name == index}class="selected"{/if} {if $tabs_display == 1}style="margin-right:5px"{/if}><a href="{$base_dir_ssl}index.php" title="{l s='Home' mod='categoriestopmenuxxl'}"></a></li>
 {counter assign=i}
 {foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree}
  {if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last}
    {include file=$branche_tpl_path node=$child i=$i last='true'}
    {include file=$branche_tpl_path node=$child i=$i}




<div id="categoriespro_block_left" class="block">
<h4>{l s='Categories' mod='blockcategoriespro'}
		    {if $isDhtml}
				    <span id="bcpro_expand_all">{l s='Expand all' mod='blockcategoriespro'}</span>
				    <span id="bcpro_collapse_all" style="display: none;">{l s='Collapse all' mod='blockcategoriespro'}</span>
<div class="block_content">
 <ul class="tree {if $isDhtml}dhtml{/if}">
 {foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree}
  {if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last}
    {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='true'}
    {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child}

many thanks

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