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[SOLVED] Canonical URLs 404 page redirect loop


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I turned Canonical URLs on which seems to have messed with my 404 error page. When I try to load the 404 error page, I get a message:



This webpage has a redirect loop

The webpage at http://tinyhandsonline.com/404-error has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.


I have both 404.php and 404.tpl files in my FTP, so I'm not sure what the issue is.


I turn Canonical URLs off, and the 404 error page works as it should, and all nonexistent/incorrect urls get redirected fine to the 404 page.


I just upgraded my site to 1.5.2 from 1.3.6 and *need* Canonical URLs to be turned on, but the 404 page problem is screwing up my SSL security at checkout.


Help, anyone?



Turns out my friendly URL for the 404 page was "404-error", saved from my older version of prestashop. I changed the friendly url to "page-not-found" through the back office and the 404 error page shows up fine!

Edited by tinyhands (see edit history)
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A big hand for tinyhands! Thank you! My host suspended my site twice because of all the 404 errors. The page resolved fine and I couldn't find any broken links, yet for each cart page viewed, tens to hundreds of 404 errors were being generated in cpanel. I finally realized that the only thing left that might not be able to be found was the page not found page itself, so I typed Prestashop 404 loop and found your post. How long it would have taken me to figure out that the non-friendly "404-error" url needed to be changed to "page-not-found" I can only guess, but given the amount of time already wasted on this, safe to say I owe you big time. Still not sure why the Presta team would change it, or default image names, for that matter. Changes like that don't strike me as improvements; they just invite trouble when upgrading. That said, beggars can't be choosers, and as open carts go, Presta is awesome, so I'll shut up and just say thanks again!

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