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Tutorial Membuat Page Peel untuk semua versi prestashop (1.0 - 1.5) :


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Sebelumnya ane ucapin thanks to Hongkiat.com untuk tutorialnya yg ane aplikasikan utk prestashop.

Karena module Page Peel utk prestashop 1.4 keatas udah ga ada yg kompatibel terpaksa ane puter otak dan alhamdullilah berhasil :D ane share moga aja ada yg butuh utk memperganteng prestashopnya :D cekidot gan :


1. Pertama download file yang dibutuhkan Peel.zip


2. Edit Peel.js yang ada di dalam folder Peel

jaaspeel.ad_url – URL you intend to point to. (Example www.google.com)

jaaspeel.small_path – Path to small.swf. (Example yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/Peel/small.swf)

jaaspeel.small_image – Path to small.jpg. (Example yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/Peel/small.jpg)

jaaspeel.big_path – Path to large.swf.(Example yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/Peel/large.swf)

jaaspeel.big_image – Path to large.jpg.(Example yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/Peel/large.jpg)


3. Ubah File small.jpg dan large.jpg sesuai gambar anda dan sesuaikan ukurannya.


4. Upload Folder Peel ke (Recomended Upload to : yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/)


5. Terakhir masukkan code script

<script src="http://www.domain.com/themes/yourthemesfolder/peel/peel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

di header.tpl (yourfolderps/themes/yourfolderthemes/header.tpl) setelah <!-- Header -->


5. Selesai, enjoy dan happy


I Love Sharing

http://www.muslimahgallery.com (Made Fashion 4 U)


Perhatian : Ini bukan Module Prestashop tapi dijamin Work (Ane Ga tau buat module bijimana) klau ada yg bsa buat tutorialnya donk dimari thanks B)


Skrinsut :post-341159-0-22080700-1357416148_thumb.jpg

Edited by MGStore (see edit history)
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