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CMS background image

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Is it possible to set unique background pictures to cms files?


Seemed like the cms pages are not stored as php files and I read somewhere that the information in cms page is stored as database info.


If the cms page was saved as php i could manually modify the head or add css to it and set a background image.


It would be logical to already have a css file that arranges graphics and style.

Is it global.css in the theme folder that have affect on the files?


If yes, would it be possible to add an id or class to it that has affect on the given cms page?

like this>


.cms_page_bg {

background: url(http://www.yoursite.com/cms/images/body-bg.jpg) no-repeat;




In 1.5.3 cms editing lets you "edit HTML source" but only the body area can be modified.

I could add a>

<div class="cms_page_bg">

text text text text and picture and text



I tried this but didnt work. Any ideas on how to get it work?

I hope i was understandable, im not british, nor programmer.

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