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[SOLVED] Undefined Smarty variables in order-detail.tpl

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In order-detail.tpl, there are variables such as {$is_guest} and {$return_allowed}. A little debugging (using Javascript alert) shows that {$is_guest} is undefined for some reason and {$return_allowed} returns 0 even though I allowed returns. This is leading to the order-detail page hiding merchandise return section.


All these Smarty variables are defined in root/controllers/OrderDetailController.php, so I don't know what's causing the errors.


I'm using Prestashop 1.4.9. Please help. Thank you!

Edited by daquity36 (see edit history)
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I solved my own question. Go to root/controllers/OrderDetailController.php. Around line 144, change


'is_guest' => false,


'is_guest' => "false",


And also, change

{if !$is_guest}


{if $is_guest == "false"}


As for $return_allowed, it turns out that the items must be marked as delivered first in the BO. It is defined such that it is false unless paid for + delivered + before return deadline.

Edited by daquity36 (see edit history)
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