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Addons and Errors

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Addons - why do many addons for a shopping cart?

they seem to be everywhere, so many addons out

there that would just confuse about anyone.


Errors- Everytime I come to the forum, i see a list of new errors.,.

cant get this to work, cant get that to work, addon doesnt work, and so on....


How do you guys not get overwhelmed with all this?


I am not even sure where to start...


Its almost like i need to have a PS coder and designer in my back

pocket, because after reading this forum, i feel i would need them....

Edited by dsimms (see edit history)
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Many people now install ecommerce packages themselves without any prior PHP or MySQL knowledge.

When they then have an issue the forums are the only place for them to turn to, any competitant web developer would fix / not come across errors day to day. So that may be why you see a high increase in forum posts.


Remember to test, test and test again before launch :)

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