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Does anyone know how to set different free shipping for various countries?

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I have a problem with a case that I read here on other occasions and that although there have been these solutions are not entirely clear.


I have several countries that send orders: Spain, Italy, France, Germany.

Well, in the case of Spain is the country that I have by default, I have set up free shipping from 100 euros.

The problem is that if I leave well established that free shipping, this also applies to all countries that I add new: Italy, France, Germany.


Also, I have configured the transport cost by price, not by weight. That is:

from 0 kg to 3 kg -> X euros

from 3.1 kg to 10 kg -> X euros



Does anyone know how to apply various free shipping by country?.


Thanks in advance and greetings to all.

Edited by jesusruiz (see edit history)
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