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Change Form Field for State

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You need to amend the default text for the field(s). This is easy enough to do. In Prestashop 1.5 goto the back office and select >Localisation< then >Translations< at the bottom of the pull down menu.


At the very top of the screen is the section "Modify Translations" Normally Front Office is selected by default so just select the language you want to amend. That done click the flag to the right and you will be transferred to a section with a long list of the standard phrases for all the various front office screens. You will have to scroll through or use your browser to search for "State". It appears in several screens so you will have to add the amended text several times to the different menus.


If ever you want to go back to the default phrases simply delete the entry from the respective field!


I amended mine to say "County/State/Province". It does look more "global" that way :)



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No worries. I have been close to setting up a shop on my web site a few times but never got there! This Christmas I will be trying again.


I like the template you have there on your web site for the shop. Is it one of the templates ??


Shipping is one that you have to think about, I have drawn up an Excel spreadsheet so I can manage the postage charges and simply upload to the server. I just have to manage revisions now and it should be worthy of a post to everyone.

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