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Problems with shopping cart 1.5

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Hi Guys,


Been looking for a solution to this but cant find anything.


After adding items to my basket, none of the items can be deleted from the basket, and none of the quantities can be edited. Also there is a message at the bottom of the screen that says that the customer needs to spend £1 more to get free shipping.


Free shipping is disabled in the back office, and even when I edit the free shipping value to say... £100, no matter how much is in the basket it still says £1 more is needed for free shipping.


Another problem is in all customisable products. A lot of the products that I'm going to be selling need to be customised. The alignment is way off though when I enable custom files and custom texts. Here's a screenshot: post-411605-0-56959400-1354821089_thumb.jpg


I've been looking everywhere trying to fix it and I don't know what else to do, very stressful!


Any help would be amazing! Thanks

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