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Multistore Url's driving me crazy :)

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Hi all,


I keep having trouble installing and setting up the multistores.


First I uploaded PS 1.5.2.

It went wrong on the demonstration data on the remote server AND on my localhost WAMP.

Without them I could install Prestashop without any errormessages and all checks were green while installing.


I logged in admin and switched on Multistore and added a second shop.

That is where the real headache began :)

I have read and tried all I could find on the internet and also on this forum, but nothing worked. Every situation seemed just a little different than mine.


I read that it is possible to add multiple stores from 1 PS installation, but I just can not figure out how to set the URL for the second shop


I have the website "www.mydomain.com"

I have the PS installation with the default store in the folder "shop", so in "www.mydomain.com/shop"

My second store is "secondshop"


Whatever combination I try, it either gives me a 404 error or an endless loop or a forbidden page.


I hate giving up, but I am starting to get desperate. I must be doing something terribly wrong.

Can anyone please help me?



Edited by ajkleinv (see edit history)
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I am one step further.

Though my php.ini indicates rewriteEngine is ON and my .htaccess file turns it ON and even a testscript says it is ON, Prestashop insists that the mod_rewrite is NOT enabled.


I tend to believe Prestashop is right :)


I mailed my ISP and asked him to load the mod_rewrite for me.

If he won't it is either time for the next headache or for a different ISP........



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My host replied that mod_rewrite is on, but is now being done by a cgi-module and not in an apache module.

This doesn't mean the problem in Prestashop multistore (saying the rewrite option has to be enabled in order to work) is solved now, but at least I have a direction in which to go next:.



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I do not need to solve anything fortunately.

Prestashop keeps telling that I need to activate URL rewriting. But it IS active. Apparently PS just can't detect that setting at that point in the code.

When I continue as if there is no warning and just add my virtual domain, it does work.......... :rolleyes:



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