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Create Cart via Web Service 1.5.2


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I would like to create a cart in a sub-site of my PS web shop so that the user can generate a cart, click on a "check-out" button and be redirected to the actual PS website with the cart already filled.


I developed a method to get the PRODUCTS via API-WS (no problem with that).

I also developed a method to create a CART via API-WS (no problem with that).

Now I have to link the CART to a GUEST, so I will use the API to create a GUEST(no problem with that).


I am wondering if this is the right way to create a cart outside PS website.


I searched about this and found nothing specific except call directly a url like [PS WEB SITE URL]/index.php?controller=cart&qty=1&id_product=2&id_product_attribute=3&add=1.

This does not work for me because I need to create the cart with all the products the user selected on the "sub-site".


Thanks for the help!




To anticipate the question: it is not an idea of mine duplicating the cart functionality into a sub-site.

But I have to implement it! :)

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