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Problem with cart-summary

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I'm having some problems with the cart-summary.

The ajax cart is working, when adding quantities while browsing the store.

But when in the checkout page, if i change the quantities for the products it has a bug:

- the first change happens ok.

- the second, updates to a completely different value that the one wanted.


I think the problem is that when it updates the first time, it doesn't update the hidden value, ex:

<input type="hidden" value="20" name="quantity_2489_0_hidden">

This remains the same. I believe it should update to the value i input.

The + and - work (slow, but work).


I should add i updated the store from a 1.4.x to 1.5.2. And worked all the problems so far except for this (and the domainbylang - but that's another story).


I would appreciate any help you can...



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