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basic .css question

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edit: nvm again I figured it out.

#center_column .cart_voucher h4 {



Okay basically I'm trying to change the color of specific pieces of text, not the whole header. My css knowledge is very limited so please excuse me for the horrible explaining.


For example in my custom.css I'm trying to change the text on the cart that says "Vouchers". I know it's '.cart_voucher h4', I can apply font size changes and it works.. but color doesn't work. The only way that works is if I change color of '#center_column h4', but that changes colors for too many texts. I only want to change the word vouchers without editing .php


.cart_voucher h4 {
color:#ff0000 !important;


Basically something is overriding the color for that piece of text and I don't know enough about css to figure this out (been trying for a couple hours). I hope I'm on the right path though.. haha.




Edited by cmto (see edit history)
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