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Undeletable modules

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I noticed that some modules don't have the "Delete" option. All these modules come from commercial partners of Prestashop.com: AddShoppers, Hipay, PayPal, Authorize.net and so on.

These are all absolutely non-crucial modules, still they are somehow protected.

I'm absolutely OK with having them included in the official distribution, but why do they have a special status and can't be deleted?


What I don't like is that this trade-off makes it look like Prestashop is not so "free" after all.

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The module files are not coped to your server there is a list in /config/xml/modules_list.xml just delete them from the list.




<modules type="partner">
       <module name="authorizeaim"/>
       <module name="avalaratax"/>
  	 <module name="uspscarrier"/>

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