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help with moving wishlist and shipping rate buttons

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in the product view (for each product), I need to align the buttons "add to my wishlist" and "shipping rates" vertically with the button "add to cart" so that they are all centered in relation to each other.

Please see attached picture. I have the "USPS presto-changeo" module, and the theme "Pzone" with Prestashop



Thank you



Edited by lweinlan (see edit history)
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the site is not live right now. Do you have your IP address , so that I can configure it in the back office to give you privileged access to my website ? or if you do not have an IP address that is static or DHCP static, let me know, and I can put the site live for a few hours while you troubleshoot. thank you

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Thank you so much. Adding the following code to /prestashop/themes/pzone/css/global.css did work.



#buy_block a.button {margin: 0.5em auto 0 auto;}

#buy_block a.exclusive {margin: 0.2em auto 0 auto;}


and check around the site the there is no other negetive effect

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